Total Fisherman Guide Service

The mark of quality!


You're looking for a guided trip ...
it might be your first ever... it might be your first one in a long time ... it might be your 2nd guided trip this week and 4th this month .... but it also might be your last if you have a bad experience, and we know that. We know that you have high hopes, expectations, and demand the best.

That's why you chose us.

We understand our customers and know that no matter whether this is your first, second, or 102 guided trip ... it won't be your last because you are going to go home satisfied! No gimmicks. No excuses. No false expectations. You know what to expect from us every time out ... fun, hardcore fishing, with guides that know how to fish ... know how to guide ...  appreciate your business AND... want you to come back! Time and time again! I'm Kevin Newell ... and I'm Lacey DeWeert... and we're looking forward to fishing with you!